
Moss phlox flowers blooming one after another

Moss phlox buds photographed clearly unexpectedly

White magnolia flowers blooming toward the sky

White magnolia flowers like girls chatting happily

Plump flowers of white magnolia

Blooming white magnolia flowers

Hellebore after raining

Red camellia flower after raining

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers that were turning to be pink part 3

Iidaka Kannon Manshoji

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers that were turning to be pink part 2

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers that were turning to be pink part 1

Red deadnettle growing in cluster on the side of the field

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers at the beginning of flowering part 4

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers at the beginning of flowering part 3

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers at the beginning of flowering part 2

Heloniopsis orientalis flowers at the beginning of flowering part 1

Buds of heloniopsis orientalis part 3

Buds of heloniopsis orientalis part 2

Buds of heloniopsis orientalis part 1

A little snow-capped sarcandra glabra

A little snow-capped ardisia crenata

A little snow-capped Japanese white pine

Beautiful and uniquely shaped steel tower

Melancholy cloudy sky overlooking the steel tower

Steel tower under the melancholy cloudy sky

Bell tower of Iidaka Kannon